Who We Are
At Revelation Attire, we produce positive christian messages on every article of clothing. Every message that gets printed on clothing has its own meaning to everyone that wears it. Prayed over, and designed, by me. Our goal is to help our community make statements that are comfortable, fashionable and inspirational.
Treshawna Dehaney, Founder CEO

At Revelation Attire, we produce positive christian messages on every article of clothing. Every message that gets printed on clothing has its own meaning to everyone that wears it. Prayed over, and designed, by me. Our goal is to help our community make statements that are comfortable, fashionable and inspirational.
Treshawna Dehaney, Founder CEO

Why We Do What We Do
Why We Do
What We Do
Full transparency – this is the driving force behind our clothing and our brand.
Our Vision
To live out the name of the brand. I want my clothing to be more than a nice piece of fabric, but a message that resonates and evokes change in people’s lives. I want to inspire people to make a change, whether it’s small or great and to know the value of their impact. But most importantly, to recognize that nothing is impossible with God.
Our Mission
My mission is to use the clothing I produce to spread positive christian messages across the world to reach souls. With some of the funds, I would first like to donate to food banks consistently and ultimately provide places around the world the opportunity to access clean water and/or provide meals for the less fortunate.
The Journey
It was the year 2017, at just 15 years old, when my business started. I wasn’t ready. At least not mentally. Within 2 months, I failed. The years that came after weren’t any better. I lost sight of God completely. I stopped praying, reading, fasting, and I never wanted anything to do with church – intentionally. I was done. I was dying, drowning – and no one noticed. But that’s the thing with God, he finds you.. Even when you want to run from him.

The Journey
It was the year 2017, at just 15 years old, when my business started. I wasn’t ready. At least not mentally. Within 2 months, I failed. The years that came after weren’t any better. I lost sight of God completely. I stopped praying, reading, fasting, and I never wanted anything to do with church – intentionally. I was done. I was dying, drowning – and no one noticed. But that’s the thing with God, he finds you.. Even when you want to run from him.

By the middle of the year 2019, I knew it was time to stop. I was tired of running. Tired of feeling nothing. I prayed and I told God if this is what he really wants me to do.. To continue this clothing line, then he needed to give me a name. Within weeks, it came. I asked for confirmation, and it was confirmed not once, not twice, but three times.
The Revelation Attire. The brand that saved me, so that I can save others. With each clothing I produce I intend to make a change. Through every shirt. Every sweater. Every hat. Every jacket, through it all to give him glory.